Badass Black Girls Go to D.C.
Suniland 5 Minute Pieces on 01.08.19
Four Florida Poets on 11.24.19
Race, Gender, and Representation on 11.23.19
The Human Experience on 11.14
Off the Island on 11.03.19
Sunday Salon at Swirl Wine Bistro on 10.27.19
Birds Sing the Coda: O, Haikus!
This Thursday, Dial 5 at the Centro Cultural Español
Tomorrow: Plays on Verse
Acoustic Bicycle Tour: Peddling Poets Bike Ride
M.J. Fievre presents a play at O, Miami Theater
Vona/Voices and Dismantle Launch Party at AWP
2014 AWP Conference in Seattle: “The Haiti I Know”
The Haiti I Know: So Spoke the Earth at the 2014 AWP Conference
Re-Imagining Haiti: from Revolution to Reconstruction
Miami Book Fair International: All That Glitters
Miami Book Fair International: Haiti Noir, the Classics
All That Glitters is going to the Miami Book Fair International!
Nonfiction Workshop with MJ