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Parental Overload: How to Juggle Teens, Toddlers, Babies, and a Business

An overwhelmed parent seeks advice for balancing the demands of raising a teen, two toddlers, an infant, and pursuing business ventures

Hey MJ,

I'm reaching out to fellow parents for some much-needed advice. I'm in the thick of parenting a teenager, two toddlers, and an infant, and I'm finding myself utterly exhausted. On top of this, I'm trying to flourish in my business ventures and meet professional obligations, but it's becoming increasingly difficult.

I'm curious to know how other parents you've met manage to balance it all. How do they find the energy and time to fulfill their parental duties while also succeeding in their professional life? Any tips or strategies for managing these dual responsibilities would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance for any insights.



Dear Anonymous,

Juggling the responsibilities of raising children at different developmental stages while pursuing your professional aspirations is indeed an overwhelming task. The key to managing this successfully lies in strategic planning, setting realistic expectations, and ensuring you take care of your well-being.

First and foremost, creating a structured routine for your family can be immensely helpful. Consistent schedules for meals, sleep, and playtimes, especially for your toddlers and infant, can bring a sense of predictability and order to your household. For your teenager, this might mean setting clear expectations for schoolwork and household chores, which can also foster a sense of responsibility.

Involving your teenager in household duties is not just helpful for you, but it's also beneficial for them. Assign tasks that are age-appropriate, and consider setting up a reward system to motivate them. This not only eases your workload but also instills a sense of teamwork in the family.

Setting realistic goals for both your parental and professional duties is crucial. Recognize that it might not be possible to accomplish everything every day. Prioritize tasks based on urgency and importance, and be willing to adjust your expectations when necessary.

Self-care is not a luxury, but a necessity. Even short breaks for a walk, a cup of tea, or a few moments of quiet can rejuvenate you. Taking care of yourself is essential for being able to take care of others effectively.

Don't hesitate to seek help. Whether it's hiring a babysitter, enlisting the help of family or friends, or considering daycare options for your toddlers, external support can provide you with the much-needed time to focus on your business ventures.

Lastly, keep in mind that perfection in parenting and business is unattainable and that it's okay to have days when things don't go as planned. Connect with parenting networks, forums, or support groups for advice and encouragement. Sharing experiences with other parents in similar situations can offer practical tips and emotional support.

Balancing parenting and a professional career is a challenging but rewarding journey. Be compassionate with yourself and open to adapting your strategies as your family's needs and your business evolve.

Kenbe la,



In 2020, the "Badass Black Girl" book series author M.J. Fievre began receiving correspondence from a varied audience, including parents, young adults, and teens. Fievre, an established author and speaker, is known for her insightful engagement with themes relevant to these demographics. The communication, primarily through Facebook or the Badass Black Girl inbox, revolves around topics covered in her books and public talks. These interactions display a rich tapestry of experiences and viewpoints, highlighting the author's impact on her readers.

“Hey, MJ” is a platform created to foster a meaningful connection between M.J. Fievre and her readers. It offers a forum for open dialogue, personalized advice, and the sharing of collective experiences. The platform's effectiveness is rooted in Fievre's expertise as an author and speaker. Her work, particularly in the "Badass Black Girl" series, showcases her deep understanding of the challenges and triumphs faced by her audience. Her background as an educator and her commitment to empowering young voices further enhance her ability to offer relevant and empathetic responses.

Readers wishing to engage with “Hey, MJ” can send their messages to All queries are treated with confidentiality, ensuring a safe space for honest and open communication.

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