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MJ Fievre
2 min read
Be Unwavering. Be Relentless. Be Badass.
Relax, and look for moments in your life when you have felt a strong positive emotion—pride, joy, satisfaction—after...

MJ Fievre
5 min read
When I was Mexican: A Black Girl Explores Her Ancestry
Now I can justify the hours spent watching telenovelas that starred Kate del Castillo on Univision, perfecting my Spanish curses.

MJ Fievre
2 min read
Girl, You're Black and Badass: How Can You Get Involved?
The most dangerous cities in America have large Black populations in some of the most crime-dense parts of the country...

MJ Fievre
4 min read
You're a BADASS with a secret talent
When I’m not feeling my best I ask myself, ‘What are you gonna do about it?’ I use the negativity to fuel the transformation into...

MJ Fievre
9 min read
Hair with Potential: A Black Girl Reflects on the Standards of Beauty
Perms were the norm, because of a real obsession with hair texture, because of a fundamental rejection of the black self.

MJ Fievre
1 min read
We're Getting a Lot of Bad Press
Many of our Black families are non-traditional in structure...and this gets us a lot of bad press. Answer this question...

MJ Fievre
5 min read
Watching the Phoenix
On January 12, 2010, when the earth broke up, shouting, crushing its fists on houses, lives and futures, what happened to the young man...?

MJ Fievre
10 min read
Losing It: A Black Girl on Suicide Prevention
"Why are you here?” Benjamin asks.
“I’m on SP,” I say. Suicide Prevention.
Maybe I do belong here, now that I even have the lingo down.

MJ Fievre
2 min read
Girl, stop! Be your own person.
Know also that answering these questions is not always easy, and you might come face-to-face with your own trouble spots and weaknesses. You

MJ Fievre
3 min read
Yeah…You’re Awesome!
Of course, there are online tests to help you identify your strengths, but there are three no-fail ways to find out what you’re awesome at.

MJ Fievre
3 min read
You Have a Lot Going for You
Stop trying to be someone else—the girl your friends, your boyfriend, your teachers, or your parents want you to be. Instead, cultivate...

MJ Fievre
1 min read
Suniland 5 Minute Pieces on 01.08.19
Join Ayse Papatya Bucak and M.J. Fievre FOR A FREE READING EVENT! Sign up @ the door to read your own creative work to an engaged audience

MJ Fievre
2 min read
You Are a True Warrior
You are a true warrior who inherited the strength, courage, wisdom, love, and dignity of our ancestors. You stand on their...
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