I will be teaching a class for Lip Service: True Stories Out Loud. It’s a Flash Nonfiction workshop. Class meets 8 Thursday nights, 7:00 p.m. to 9:45 p.m. at our North Campus at Sweat Records, Miami. 5505 N.E. 2nd Avenue, Miami, FL 33137.
Start date: April 25, 2013. To register go to the Miami Foundation. Click here: https://www.miamifoundation.org/sslpage.aspx?pid=298. From the Select a Designation drop-down menu, choose: The Lip Service Stories Fund. Donate $240.
Here’s a description of the class:
Flash Nonfiction is an exciting and nuanced genre full of possibilities and surprises; it encourages writers to be concerned about economy, to be deliberate over word choice. The pieces, though diminutive in length, must still contain all the elements of narrative construction. How does a writer compress events and characterization into a few hundred words? Well, come experiment and play! The workshop will be beneficial for those first experimenting with the genre and for those looking to hone their skills. Write short, think long.
About me:
M.J. Fievre is the author of several mystery novels and children’s books in French, including Sortilège Haïtien (2011). She obtained her MFA from the Creative Writing program at Florida International University. Her short stories and poems in English have appeared in Haiti Noir (Akashic Books, 2011), The Beautiful Anthology (TNB Books, 2012), The Mom Egg, The Southeast Review, and The Caribbean Writer. M.J. is the founding editor of Sliver of Stone Magazine, and a regular contributor to The Nervous Breakdown. She is also a proud member of the Miami Poetry Collective, famous for its Poem Depot, a regular feature of Wynwood’s Second Saturday Art Walk. She’s a Board Member of Women Writers of Haitian Descent, Inc., and edited the Haiti anthology, So Spoke the Earth (WWOHD, 2012).