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Meet Magaly Colimon-Christopher | The Badass Black Girl Vlog

In this episode of Badass Black Girl, MJ talks with Magaly Colimon-Christopher, an actress, writer, producer, and artistic director who is starring in the Netflix original Series Grand Army as Antoinette Pierre. They discuss her journey to becoming an artist, the culture and theatre community in Chicago and how it nurtured her, and her work with Conch Shell Productions, a theatre company she founded. They also talk about the importance of Haitian/Caribbean representation in theatre and why she works to make sure those voices are included in the arts. She also gives advice on making a career in the arts, discusses the importance of making sure you are financially fit, and offer a definition of success in the arts vs. other industries. This leads to a discussion of what exactly makes a hero, Magaly’s role as Antoinette Pierre on the Netflix Original series Grand Army, how the women in her family helped inform the role, and Magaly’s connection to Haiti and its history. MJ and Magaly both talk about the work of Trinidadian artist, Danielle Boodoo Fortuné and give her high praise for her designs.

Magaly Colimon-Christopher is an actress/writer/producer and qualified Feldenkrais Practitioner based in New York City. She is the founder of Conch Shell Productions – the developers, presenters, and producers of new plays by Caribbean-American artists.

Her writing/producing credits include: Silent Truth (2018 Finalist O’Neill National Playwrights Conference); The Hunting Season (Planet Connections Theatre Festivity 2018); Yes Madame! (Official Selection: Pan African Film Festival, Martha’s Vineyard Film Festival, Reel Sisters Film Festival, and HBREC Film Festival); Her Tory (Semi-Finalist Caribbean Film Festival and Market); Butterscotch and Fudge (Ah-Ha Moments One-Act Play Fest); and BN4REAL (web series).

Her acting credits include numerous commercial, primetime & daytime television and theater productions. Magaly plays “Antoinette Pierre” in Netflix’s original series Grand Army.

Learn more about Magaly’s theatre company at

Watch her on the Netflix Original Series Grand Army.


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