Happy, Okay? (Books & Books Press, 2019)
A Sky the Color of Chaos (Beating Windward, 2015)
A Night of Terror, in The Caribbean Writer, Volume 24 (2010), edited by Dr. Opal Palmer Adisa. IN PRINT.
Carnations for Sonia, in The Writers’ Digest, 5th Annnual Poetry Awards. IN PRINT. Also in The Miami Poetry Collective’s 6 Cents Journal (2010). IN PRINT.
Good Cop, Bad Cop, on Public Space (July 8, 2016)
Gulf Coast Dreams on Poets for Living Water, a poetry action in response to the BP oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, one of the most profound human-made ecological catastrophes in history (2010).
How to Be a Dangerous Girl, in the Miami Poetry Collective‘s 10 Cents Journal. IN PRINT.
Indigo Sky in Port-au-Prince, in The Mom Egg, Volume 8 : “Lessons” (2010), IN PRINT.
Only in Miami, on The Big Read: Miami Story Blogs (2014).
Pain Perdu, in The Miami Poetry Collective‘s 7 Cents Journal. IN PRINT. Also in Tigertail, Selected Collective: Volume VIII (2010). IN PRINT. Also in Saw Palm, Issue 7 (2013). IN PRINT but also now available for free download.
#Philando #Alton, on Public Space (July 8, 2016)
The Last Night of the Music Man, in The Caribbean Writer, Volume 24 (2010). IN PRINT.
When We Were Sisters, in P’an Ku Literary Magazine, Spring 2007 Issue (2007). IN PRINT.
Zip Ode, on The Miami Herald (2014)
Anger and Pubic Hair, in Sexology: A Literary Journal of Sex Writing (2010).
Brush with a Star, in P’an Ku Literary Magazine, Spring 2007 Issue (2007). IN PRINT.
Cycle, in Healthy Stories Online : How do you survive the cycle of bipolar disorder? (fiction, 2009). IN PRINT.
Dark Days in Port-au-Prince, the second segment of an exquisite corpse, on the Akashic Books website (2014).
Ghost Phone, in P’an Ku Literary Magazine (Spring 2007). IN PRINT.
Hello, Neighbor, in Daily Bites of Flesh, 365 Days of Flash Fiction, Compiled & Edited by Jessy Marie Roberts for Pill Hill Press (2011). IN PRINT.
No Funeral for Nono, in the Haiti anthology So Spoke the Earth, published by Women Writers of Haitian Descent, Inc. (WWOHD, 2012). IN PRINT.
Sinkhole, in 15 Views of Miami (Burrow Press, 2014), edited by Jaquira Diaz. IN PRINT. Also available online.
Susan’s Diary, on Out of the Gutter (2014).
The Rainbow’s End, in Haiti Noir, Compiled & Edited by Edwidge Danticat for Akashic Books (2011). IN PRINT. Available in French. IN PRINT. Also live on the Akashic Books website.
A History of Sisterhood (2011). M.J. Fievre finds out that the trick when you’re under attack is to pretend you’re dead.
And all the Gods are Satisfied (2010). M.J. Fievre finally understands that her father wants some guys to perform an exorcism to drive spirit cats away.
April Fools (2011). M.J. Fievre is dragged to a classroom by the ear and is afraid that she’s about to be spanked with a wooden ruler.
Becoming Abby (2013)
Bones (2010). MJ Fievre ponders on her fascination with bones and death.
Couscous (2010). A story about cooking and love (2010)
Cycle (2010). How do you survive the cycle of bipolar disorder? Watch the Youtube Video. M.J. Fievre reads at Lip Service, Jan. 16, 2010 at Books & Books, Coral Gables.
Foreshocks (2011). M.J. Fievre needs a face to hold on to. She wants to look an unknown person in the eye, past her own incoherent grief, her own futility.
Jungle Juice (2011). In which M.J. Fievre handles tornado sirens, Midwestern snacks, midnight escapes, and the obscure ploy to trespass and skinny dip in a pool.
Losing It (2011). In which M.J. Fievre is believed to be a spy.
No Fancy Drawers (2010). M.J. Fievre, the drama queen, tries to grow some nerves. But she is disturbed by her sudden, uncanny awareness of the oblivion that follows Death.
One Shirtless Man Too Many (2010). When M.J, opens the door to her house, a shirtless guy welcomes her. Some dude she doesn’t even know, who’s petting her dog. How much can you take from your (shirtless) roommates?
Saving April (2014). April shows M.J. her cuts. Small razor cuts spread on her arm. She’s managed to shape some of them like stick houses—triangles atop squares.
Watching the Phoenix (2010). M.J. Fievre remembers Haiti, six months after the earthquake. On January 12, when the earth broke up, shouting, crushing its fists on houses, lives and futures, what happened to the shoe shiner?
What the Voices Say (2013). “Accepting the PTSD diagnosis would be denying the possibility that the voice Nayu hears is real. It would be denying the existence of ghosts. It would be denying Etienne.”
When I was Mexican (2011). ¡Ole! M.J. Fievre discovers that she’s Mexican.
The Wild Ride (2011). M.J. Fievre knows she’s not big enough or strong enough to force the horse to stop; the mare hardly feels her hands tugging so desperately at the bit and the animal settles into a lumbering gallop toward the school church.
After the Earthquake , in Survivor Chronicles (2010). A nonfiction Haiti volunteering experience published on Survivor Chronicles.
Cycle: A Story in Four Parts about Bipolar Disorder, in Badass, Lip Service: True Stories. The Double Album. (Lominy Books, 2014). Edited by Andrea Askowitz. IN PRINT.
Foreshocks, in The Heart of All That Is: Reflections on Home (Holy Cow Press, 2013), edited by Jim Perlman, Deborah Cooper, Mara Hart, and Pamela Mittlefehldt. IN PRINT.
Leaving, in The Caribbean Writer (2011). A true story about leaving Haiti. IN PRINT.
On the Balcony, in The Southeast Review (2011). Finalist of The Southeast Review’s 2010 World’s Best Short Short Story Contest, judged by Robert Olen Butler. The author shares her first-hand experience with the macoute hunt after Baby Doc left Haiti in the late 80s. IN PRINT
Shriveled in C4 (2011). M.J. Fievre battles her fear of cancer. ALSO AVAILABLE IN PRINT.
The Other Papa, in The Beautiful Anthology, (TNB Books, 2012). IN PRINT.
I am Riding! Edited by Edwidge Danticat. Illustrated by Jean P. Icart-Pierre. Published by One Moore Book (2013). IN PRINT.
Thalassophobie et autres récits (2013). IN PRINT.
Les Hommes en Rouge et autres récits (2013). IN PRINT.
Sortilège Haïtien (2011). IN PRINT.
Le Fantôme de Lisbeth (2007). IN PRINT.
Les Fantasmes de Sophie (2007). IN PRINT.
La Bête II: Métamorphose (2005). IN PRINT.
Les Hommes en Rouge: L’éclipse (2003). IN PRINT.
La Statuette Maléfique (2001). IN PRINT.
Thalassophobie (2001). IN PRINT.
La Bête (1999). IN PRINT.
Le Feu de la Vengeance (1997). IN PRINT.
Fais-Moi Peur (Lominy Books, 2014). IN PRINT.
All That Glitters (Lominy Books, 2013). IN PRINT.
So Spoke the Earth (WWOHD, 2012). IN PRINT.